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  Item Name Donor Leading Bid
Robin Jackson Photography 11x14 Family Portrait Package
Robin Jackson Photography 11x14 Family Portrait Package
Item # : 1005
Robin Jackson Photography

(Value : $500.00

Portrait-Dressed In Jeans In The Autumn Leaves. Sitting & 7-inch Portrait
Portrait-Dressed In Jeans In The Autumn Leaves. Sitting & 7-inch Portrait
Item # : 1014
Triana Studios

(Value : $445.00

Portrait-Barefoot In The Creek. Includes Sitting & 7-inch Crown Portrait
Portrait-Barefoot In The Creek. Includes Sitting & 7-inch Crown Portrait
Item # : 1016
Triana Studios

(Value : $445.00

A portrait session, a 7" framed portrait and $250 toward  portrait selections
A portrait session, a 7" framed portrait and $250 toward  portrait selections
Item # : 1021
Isabelle Guillen Portraiture

(Value : $750.00

Bronze of a Loving Couple
Bronze of a Loving Couple
Item # : 1029
Andy Jacobs

(Value : $7,500.00

Bronze Pair of Fighting Eagles
Bronze Pair of Fighting Eagles
Item # : 1030
Andy Jacobs

(Value : $2,500.00

Scottish Bagpiper Bronze
Scottish Bagpiper Bronze
Item # : 1031
Andy Jacobs

(Value : $1,500.00

Showing Items 1 - 7
  Items Per Page 7 Items Found         ( 1 of 1 )