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If you are unable to pick up the prints you win after the auction, we are able to ship up to three prints in one box to anywhere in the Continental U.S. for $60.00.

Item Selected  :  CLX Black-capped Titmouse
Category  :  2.5 Stars ✯✯½
Lot # : 160
Item Value : See Item Description

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CLX Black-capped Titmouse

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Price  :  $20.00
Bidding on this item has ended.
Times Viewed  :  152

** See Full Description Below **

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About This Item

Condition of Item
  • from bottom 19 ½" (water-affected area)
  • wavy 14"
  • small spots on right center, left and bottom in white area

    Value of an Undamaged Print $100
    Value of Water Damaged Print (less 50%) $50

  • Stated in the Price Guide for the Audubon (1971-72) Amsterdam Edition of John James Audubon's Birds of America by Ron Flynn:

    The 1971-72 publishing of the Audubon Amsterdam Edition was the first complete full size facsimile reproduction of John James Audubon's original (1826-38) Havell Edition of Birds of America. The Amsterdam Edition reproduced all 435 original plates on full double-elephant folio sized paper. The edition was limited to 250 copies of each of the original 435 plates. Approximately 50-75 of the Amsterdam Edition sets were bound into four book volumes. The remainder of the issue was sold as loose sheets. The sheets themselves measure about 26-1/2" x 39-1/2".

    If you are unable to pick up the prints you win after the auction, we are able to ship up to three prints in one box to anywhere in the Continental U.S. for $60.00.

    Shipping Price